Sales center:
048 793 50 40
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Sales centers:

Central office

Address: 65012, Ukraine, Odessa, 23Б, Velyka Arnautska Street, CHKALOV Tower office center, Floor 1

Working hours: Mon-Sat: 10:00-17:00 online, meeting by appointment, Sunday is a day off

Black Sea Riviera

Address: Ukraine, Odessa region, Fontanka village, Pivdenne Shose (opposite to the Riviera shopping mall), AVTORSKIY residential complex, Floor 1

Working hours: Mon-Sat: 10:00-17:00 online, meeting by appointment, Sunday is a day off

Sales center at the Gagarinn Plaza shopping and leisure center

Address: Ukraine, Odessa, 5/2, Haharynske Plato Street, shopping and leisure center

Working hours: Mon-Sat: 10:00-17:00 online, meeting by appointment, Sunday is a day off